final countdown :: stuff to do
- vernissage layouts / printing
- personal spreads for yearbook
- business cards (prototype print)
- web domains
- portfolio printing / setup
- send out invites, stage hosts / friends etc
- QR codes for badges
- table stuff for vernissage
- print invites & posters
- virtual vernissage live launch
- print layout for grad photos (wall of shame)
things that make me go "hmmmm"

eclipse videos
get your own domain
With our school server, here is how you can get your own domain.
- register a domain i.e.
- Cloudflare (which I recommend)
- AWS Route 53(Amazon Web Services)
- configure the DNS (domain name system) "A" record to point to your server's IP address
- You can usually find this with your web host i.e. when you login to Plesk.
- configure your server to point visitors to the proper folder (site)
- in Plesk, "add domain"
week 7 & 8 / 11
Here are the cropped yearbook photos
Here are some things to keep in mind:
- web case study due Thursday (03/21)
- personal project revised due date: Tuesday April 2
- today: video improvement feedback
- Thursday: film fest
- Capyskills tracking document... linked in Beacon?
links for printing portfolios
AI Ethics Questionnaire
Thank you for responding to this Questionnaire.
As part of this research project you will be asked to anonymously respond twice.
- before completing an activity using artificial intelligence
- after completing an activity using artificial intelligence
Here are the simulations & survey.

Choose 3 photos for your yearbook.
add the last 4 numbers of your choices to this sheet

Here are the photos from the PC lab. You can download the full-size photos by clicking on the photo then the download icon in the bottom corner. Choose "Original" for the full size.

website feedback
while generally good, I'm seeing lots of poor coding habits. Please check your site for the following:
- divitis? use semantic HTML
- ul>li for links or nav? Just use anchor <a> tags
- hamburger menus with only 2 links?
- <style> & <script> tags in your HTML?? move to css/.css & js/.js files
- struggling to make your page responsive with Flex? use CSS grid
- style="overscroll-behavior-x: auto;" ??what is this? vs "scroll-behavior: smooth;"
- combine Google fonts properly.
Here are some things I liked:
- Laetitia's breaking titles
- Jason's card layout
- Elie's page
- cool animation from Veronica
- Jason's web improvement
- image aspect-ratio (CSS Tricks) plus object-fit (MDN)
Please update PHP on the server.
Synthese Studio Tours

Vernissage 2024
Library 5th Floor, Thursday April 18, 4-8pm

412 Micromedia Yearbook Guidelines, 2024
check out the guidelines

fetch API for the win
use the fetch API to speed development and improve consistency:

intersection observer, can you see it?
use the intersection observer to cut down initial load times and animate elements:
- Check out this lazy loading gallery page
- or how Capy visits on this page
- MDN Intersection Observer

Humanities Symposium
Centre de memoires montréalaises
Portes ouvertes en agence 2024
Le vendredi 16 février prochain
Virtual Vernissage
April 8th launch
Please link the following from your becoming2/ homepage.
- digital portfolio (permanent link, will NOT change, clean link i.e. not /portfolio_final_final_v23)
- web portfolio
- print portfolio
- print portfolio PDF
- other portfolios (video, photo, 3d, etc)
- web case study
- print case study
Becoming 2 Projects
We will be working on 3 main projects:
- Print & Digital Portfolios
- presentations March 31
- Vernissage
- Virtual April 1 launch
- April 18 3-8pm
- Capyskills
- Capibility
- semester long
- improve web project
- weeks 1-3
- improve print project
- weeks 2-4
- improve video project
- weeks 3-5
- web case study
- March 21
- personal print / video project
- March 28
- psychology project / case study (?)
- add to portfolio?
- virtual vernissage launch
- April 8
50% projects
25% Digital Portfolio
25% Print Portfolio
- Assignments submitted on time earn 10%.
- Somewhat late submissions do not earn that 10%.
- Work submitted after being evaluated & returned can earn a maximum of 60%
If it's not linked, it doesn't exist!!
getting & giving feedback
- share what you like. Listen to what is good & do more of that.
- this reminds me of... Ask yourself why / how your work is similar. Research? How is yours different?
- open ended question. Don't answer the question verbally, answer it in your work.
- something good, something to improve, something good. Consider taking the suggestions and making improvements.
- try one of these techniques
- more feedback on feedback
Plus an article regarding feedback:
Portfolios with an 's'
Here is a short breakdown of portfolios:
important note!
Nobody outside Vanier (and even 90% at Vanier) have no idea what OST: Micropublishing and Hypermedia is!
For CV, cover letters & portfolios use:
OST: Micropublishing & Hypermedia, a three-year graphic design and web development program.
Then don't be shy to describe what you did in the program in more detail.
If your poster or work was chosen be sure to highlight it / them.
case studies
We will be doing 2 case studies:
- a web case study
- a personal print project & case study
- You can choose from:
- a web project you have already completed
- the client web project from web://5
- a new web project or something done outside of class
- Add a brand new personal project to your portfolios demonstrating your individual creativity and style
- Present your personal project with a case study showing creative process from start to finish.
See Teams for the Elements of a Case Study document
Web Case Studies
Print Case Studies
a few professional examples
Capyskills are life skills

Stage Instructions
As part of your Stage evaluaions, please do the following:
- self evaluate your chosen competency
- have your evaluation validated by a mentor, myself or Avery
- create a cloud document (Teams, Google Drive etc) to track your Capyskills. It should include:
- your name, chosen competency and present level
- a plan to get to the next level including SMART goals
- evidence to support your improvement
- meet with your stage host, explain Capyskills, your level & how you plan to improve
- share your Capyskills cloud document
- meet (at least) a 2nd time during weeks 2 or 3 to share your progress & get feedback
- meet a final time in week 4 to share progress and validate whether you have moved up a level
If you have any questions, contact your mentor, Bruce or Avery.
Links & Resources
- HOS.1 Manage My Work and Set Goals
- HOS.2 Build Networks
- NGE.3 Collaborate Effectively
- PD.3 Demonstrate Social Skills and Awareness
- NGE.2 Present to an Audience
Mentoring & Beacon
Beacon login (temp password is: Changeme@1)
- change your password in "profile"
- use Teams or similar to create a document to track your goals & progress
- link the document in Beacon
- meet with your mentor to regarding your progress
norming exercise
Choose a competency, evaluate your level and give evidence to support your self-evaluation. Do this in 3 short paragraphs
- which Capiskill did you choose? Why?
- which level are you at & what do you need to work on to improve
- provide evidence to support your self-evaluation
- bonus: comment on Capyskills & the project to help us improve.
miscellaneous resources
just a bunch of rando stuff I add that I think may help
****register a domain then host your portfolio on our web server
registering a domain should cost about $10USD
- create a cloudflare account & register your domain
- set "A" record to our web server IP
- login to Plesk
- add domain & configure ftp user
- set up VSC to connect & manage domain the same way you do your micromedia account
getting & giving feedback
- share what you like. Listen to what is good & do more of that.
- this reminds me of... Ask yourself why / how your work is similar. Research? How is yours different?
- open ended question. Don't answer the question verbally, answer it in your work.
- something good, something to improve, something good. Consider taking the suggestions and making improvements.
- try one of these techniques
- more feedback on feedback
Plus an article regarding feedback:
week 1: Feb. 1
- join Microsoft Team possibly with this code: wz3nv16
- Capyskills
- VA.1 Creating Design Projects
- NGE.1 Design Solutions
- HOS.1 Build Networks
- web improvement Isabella, Robin & Eléna
- assigned feedback groups
- meetings: share portfolios & improvement projects
- Program Comprehensive Assessment and rubric
exercise 1.1: becoming2/ homepage
Create a becoming2/ homepage (index.html) where you will link all your assignments and projects.
Please use the following workflow for designing your homepage:
- sketch wireframes for layout to include the following:
- nav
- header
- main
- sections in main
- footer
- other elements?
- plan CSS styles you will need to create
- choose a nice Google fonts combination
- decide on a colour scheme
Your web page should be:
- mobile first
- responsive
- semantic
- styled using CSS Grid for layout
Your homepage should include the following:
- your name
- links to your other work, portfolios etc
- links to all exercises / case studies / projects / portolio(s)
due: 02/08
examples from a2023
exercise 1.2 web improvement project
Create a list of 2-3 web projects you would like to improve.
Share which web project you plan to improve. Add the following:
- a link to the site (with a screen shot?)
- suggestions & feedback you received
- list of what you plan to change
due; 02/15
exercise 1.3 print improvement project
Create a list of 3-5 print projects you would like to improve.
Share which web project you plan to improve. Add the following:
- a link to the site (with a screen shot?)
- suggestions & feedback you received
- list of what you plan to change
due; 02/22
exercise 1.4 video improvement project ??
Create a list of 1-2 video projects you would like to improve.
Share which web project you plan to improve. Add the following:
- a link to the site (with a screen shot?)
- suggestions & feedback you received
- list of what you plan to change
due; 02/29